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If You Give An Officer a Spreadsheet
What do you get when you have an officer, a spreadsheet, and the Good Idea Fairy in one story?
The results just might be nuclear.
If You Give An Officer a Spreadsheet is the perfect story time addition for any military or civilian family with its tongue in cheek look at military operations and its teachable moments of perseverance in the face of adversity.
Available in hardback and paperback, get your copy for story time today!
- Hardback -
- Paperback -
About W.G. Reynolds
W.G. Reynolds is a technical writer who currently resides in San Diego, California where he writes boring test plans, reports and contract proposals. Prior to being a technical writer, he was a network engineer who installed comm equipment on Japanese warship, and is a 16-year veteran of the United States Air Force (USAF) as a Tech Controller (3C2X1) to a combat communications unit where he would describe it as 'camping with internet'. W.G. Reynolds has a love of ferrets and their roguish behaviors that pairs well with his unique sense of humor.
"Can we read it again tonight?"
Lilly, 7-year old
"Its giving me PTSD"
Jamaine - Arms instructor
<Face palm>
Anyone who had to deal with upper management - probably
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